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Overnight to Bennett-Cottonwood Roadless Area

A solstice expedition of the spectacular Bennett-Cottonwood roadless area of the Badlands, tributary canyons of the Little Missouri River, will be led by Lillian Crook, highlighting some of her favorite lesser-visited wild areas. The outing will begin on Friday night for first-come-first-serve camping at the USFS Bennett campground, northwest of Grassy Butte. Saturday and Sunday hikes will be determined by the weather conditions and will include an easy hike to the China Wall, a steep clay formation that runs several hundred feet along the Maah Daah Hey trail, between Miles posts 128 and 129. If temperatures are agreeable, the group might also visit the rugged and wild area of Collar Draw, which abuts Theodore Roosevelt National Park's North Unit wilderness area. The well-marked turn-off on Highway 85 to Bennett campground is located 7.5 miles north of Grassy Butte, then west 4 miles on a gravel road (FS road 823) to another marked turn south (FS road 824) 1/2 mile, then west 1 mile into the campground. Day-trippers should plan to meet us early Saturday morning, no later than 8 a.m. MT so we can hike in cool temperatures as per the group's consensus. The length and difficulty of the hikes will also be decided by the group but will for the most part remain in the moderate range.

Individuals are responsible for campsites, gear and meals. Bring plenty of water, adequate food for snacks & lunch, clothing layers for changing weather, binocs, cameras, nature guides, sun and insect protection, sturdy boots, and whatever else makes you happy!

RSVP to Liz at It is vital that you give us a RSVP so we can contact you if the outing plans change and to ensure we don’t leave you behind.