Posts in Wild Badlands
Message From the President 2016

This is not a message of fear, but of hope. Consider this one encouraging truth—like everything else, this too shall pass. A new day is coming. Together we can summon the courage to stand up, face the new beginnings, and embrace them. New beginnings mean new opportunities for BCA members and friends to speak up, to share our resource-conservation ethic, and to try to make a difference.

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Annual Meeting 2016

The Annual Fall Meeting of the BCA was held on October 23, 2016 at the Discovery Center of the Bismarck Dakota Zoo. Thirty-one (31) members attended including the following Board members: Christine Hogan (president), Rich Brauhn, Lillian Crook, Craig Kilber, Lynn Morgenson and Laura Anhalt, and Jan Swenson (executive director). After a potluck dinner and introductions, the business meeting was convened by President Hogan at 2:15 PM CST.

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Message From the President 2015

I am proud to be a member of BCA. I feel good about being a conservationist. I even admit, out loud, to being an environmentalist. I feel good about doing my part to try to make our community and state a better place for ourselves and our kids and our babies yet unborn.

But in the last few years—feeling outnumbered, outmaneuvered, and definitely outgunned—I have often hesitated to say anything about my deeply-held belief that we must preserve wilderness. I have been reluctant to speak my mind about the destruction of our wild places. Why the hesitation? I felt, well, alone.

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Annual Meeting 2015

The Annual Fall meeting of the BCA was held on November 1, 2015 at the Discovery Center of the Bismarck Dakota Zoo. Forty members attended including the following Board members: Christine Hogan (president), Rich Brauhn, Lillian Crook, Craig Kilber, Lynn Morgenson, and Tama Smith. Also in attendance were Jan Swenson (executive director), Connie Triplett (past president), and Bonnie Palecek (grants person). After a pot-luck dinner and introductions, the business meeting was convened by President Hogan at 2:05 PM CST.

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BCA Accomplishments for 2015

Trying something new, BCA held our 2014 Annual Meeting in central ND to even out driving demands. It seemed to work - with our largest ever annual gathering held in the main room of Makoché Recording Studio in downtown Bismarck. Thanks to Mike and David for providing a delightful space complete with BCA visuals and to Lynn, Mike, Robert and David for the extra help with logistics. It was a cozy and exuberant crowd with no one throwing a better potluck than BCA.

Download the PDF of Wild Badlands #38.

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